The importance of renewable energy and energy efficiency in reducing energy costs for businesses is well-known and documented. However, its adoption remains low in Ghana due to uncertainty surrounding the capability of local renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) service providers, avoidance of first-mover risks and lack of adequate financing for projects. With Ghana’s objective to achieve 10% renewable energy component in the national energy mix by 2030, there is the need to make renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions readily available and accessible to industrial and commercial users. The Association of Ghana Industries Energy Service Centre (AGI-ESC) was therefore set up in September 2019 to be a one-stop centre for renewable energy and energy efficiency consultancy services, especially relating to the adoption of RE/EE among AGI members and the larger Ghanaian industry space. The centre is owned and hosted at the Association of Ghana Industries. On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation & Development (BMZ), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the centre technically and financially through its project “Sustainable Energy for Climate Protection in Ghana” (SustainE4Climate), in cooperation with Ghana's Ministry of Energy. Implementing partners of the SustainE4Climate project include the Energy Commission and the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission.
To be the preferred centre for advisory services on renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) investment options for Ghana's productive sector to foster sustainable and competitive clean energy...
To be the preferred centre for advisory services on renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) investment options for Ghana's productive sector to foster sustainable and competitive clean energy solutions by 2025 and beyond
We provide reliable and credible advisory services to RE/EE solution providers and large commercial and industrial electricity consumers to plan and implement RE/EE investments to attain cost savings ...
We provide reliable and credible advisory services to RE/EE solution providers and large commercial and industrial electricity consumers to plan and implement RE/EE investments to attain cost savings and profitability for economic development.
We achieve this by:
Providing market analysis on RE/EE
Providing training on RE/EE solutions for large electricity consumers and for RE/EE service providers
Advising electricity consumers on RE/EE investment options
Facilitating the linkage between RE/EE service providers and electricity consumers
Leading advocacy on the adoption of RE/EE in Ghana
The AGI Energy Service Centre serves as a hub for information, project assistance and market linkages relating to RE/EE.
ISO 50002:2014 Compliant Energy Audits for Commercial & Industrial Companies
Renewable energy feasibilty and pre-feasibilty support to companies
Training and Implementaton support on ISO 50001 Energy Management System (EnMS)
Provision of honest, unbiased opinion on RE/EE project proposals received by companies
RE/EE policy and market development advocacy
RE/EE Technical, implementation and transactional advice
About Event
Join this four-day comprehensive training program to learn how to carry out ISO 50002:2014 compliant energy audits in commercial and industrial facilities. Scan QR code to register or visit
Venue: AGI Secretariat, North Ridge42 Dr Isert St, North Ridge, Accra
+233 (0) 507 977 902, +233 (0) 268 597 083